Department of Occupational Health, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. Sari, Iran
Abstract: (7550 Views)
Introduction and purpose: The occupational musculoskeletal disorders are the most prevalent work-related diseases and injuries and a leading cause of disability of the workers. The lumbar and cervical regions of spine and the upper extremities are the most affected parts. They might happen due to long-term exposure to the causative agents or acute trauma to the musculoskeletal system, but are usually multi-factorial. In this study, all of the rice-mill workers in Sari were evaluated for musculoskeletal disorders and posture analysis.
Methods: In this descriptive study, all of the rice-mill workers in Sari were evaluated (32 persons). Nordic questionnaire was used for evaluation of musculoskeletal disorders and the OWAS method for posture analysis. The data were analyzed using OWAS and SPSS version 17.
Results: The mean age of workers was 42.82±9.42 and the mean of work experience was 12.68±5.39 years. The results of Nordic questionnaire showed that 74% of the workers had experienced the musculoskeletal disorders in at least one region of the nine regions of the body. The most complaints localized in low back (50%), knees (40%), and ankle and foot (28%). Moreover, 85 postures were recognized, 32 postures were in level 1 of modification, 16 postures in level 2, 26 postures in level 3 and 11 postures in level 4.
Conclusion: The rate of inappropriate postures and musculoskeletal disorders are very high in rice-mill workers in Sari. The interventional ergonomic programs including the engineering controls and workers training are recommended.